+44 (0)1260 298 451 sales@hmkltd.co.uk




A wide range of knives and wear parts available for tobacco processing, in both cigarette and cigar making and packaging areas.

World Leading Blade Manufacturing


With over a hundred years of collective experience in every aspect of the Tobacco industry, HMK has the depth of knowledge needed to supply most knives and wear parts used in the production of all traditional tobacco products.

In particular, our circular slitting knife is widely used throughout filter making and cigar cutting, with a wide variety or dimensions available. We’re also more than happy to assist in product development via our small batch Lab machinery.

HMK currently manufacture spares for all OEM machinery, including Hauni, Decoufle, GD, Molins, Sasib, ITM and many more.  

GD Sectors and Knives.

Can be re-ground as new.

Molins Drum Inserts

'Comprising parts' for Molins tipping drums.

Molins Cork Knives

Dimensions 6 x 6mm and 4 x 4mm available, in any length.

Molins Ledger Tubes

Any diameter, including 'Super Slims' available.

GD Cork Curling Bars

Only the highest grade of industrial ceramic is used to maintain

sharp edge.

GD Cork Knives

Cork knives, modified to assist easier fitting into GD121 & AF12 machines.

GD Sectors

Any 'cork patch' length can be

supplied to your spec.

14pc set re-grind available.

Hauni Cork Knives

Scissor cut knives. 12pc set re-grind available.

Hauni Cork Knives

'Older' type cork knife.

Re-grind available for sets

of 6, 8, or 11pcs.

Hauni Suction Rollers & Knives

Any type of suction roller can be

supplied or refurbished.

Hauni Suction Rollers & Knives

Hole pattern can be altered to

your spec.

Hauni Tipping Knives

Packaged to maintain perfect

condition in transit and storage.

Molins Cork Knives

Ends can be notched to give any

cut length required.

PMIL Speed Up Parts

Bespoke carbide products can be manufactured to your design.

Filter Cutters and Final Cut Knives

Carbide of any diameter, bore, and thickness down 0.2mm with any

cutting angle requested.